Below is what I learned from the preliminary:
I have learnt a number of things in the progression of my preliminary to my main task, meaning my skills have become increasingly more slick and articulate:
1) The most important thing I learnt was about organisation:
-Asigning various roles in our group:
- Creating timetables to adhere to was important as we were working under such tight time schedules:
-Creating risk assessments for the location change so that there would be no injuries or damage:
-Booking the actors and locations in advance and getting clearance from the land owners:
-Creating risk assessments for the location change so that there would be no injuries or damage:
-Booking the actors and locations in advance and getting clearance from the land owners:
2) I also learnt how to follow and contrast with the codes and conventions of independent period dramas:
I learnt how to adhere to particular codes and conventions, following them loosely, however I also learnt how to create a unique product of my own which juxtaposed with particular codes and conventions at time.

-I learnt how to use final cut Pro with reguards to editing, sound and adding titles
-When creating foley, we used a sure sm57 microphone along with the recording software 'Cubase'
-We used a canon 70d in 'film mode' along with a tripod to create professional and stable shots
-We used garageband along with a midi keyboard and lots of 'reverb' in order to create a soundtrack
4) My style as a filmmaker developed greatly:
Looking back at my preliminary project, "The Library", it became very clear that the camera work lacked any form of visual flare and distinct style. Therefore, when it came to the main task, we had a shot list on its own apart from the storyboard. This ensured that during the short window in which we had to film, we were not wasting time and we were working efficiently.
As well as this there were no continuity errors in the main task however we learnt from our preliminary task where there were at least five continuity errors.
I felt more confident also with key elements like sound and editing, meaning that I could make a confident, concise and slick approach to create something authentic and professional in contrast with our preliminary.
Below is a soundcloud I created for my answer:
Here is our preliminary task "The Library":
Here is our preliminary evaluation: