Thursday 23 April 2015

Redraft: timetable/ schedule

Obviously a new timetable had to be set in place as we had to find a new location due to the complications that we found. We needed to set back everything a week to allow us time for filming. As well as this, we had to find all new roles and some more props. e.g. The torch stick with lighting fluid all had to be taken into account. Below is a copy of our new timetable and our new schedule:

Schedule for day of shooting:
9:00 - Pick up and travel to location
10:00 - on location
11:00 - Ready for shooting. Camera and sound set up. Actor in costume. Risk assessments taken place
12:00 - 14:00 - Actual Filming
14:00 - Look through footage
14:30 - Re-film any adjustments that are needed

Schedule for editing:
Week beginning...
Monday 23rd March: Uploading the video contents from the camera onto the computer. Begin by deciphering which shots will be used and then blading them down to keep them within the two minute guideline. By the end of the week we hope to have a skeletal film with all of the colour balance and stabilisation done.

Monday 30th March: Work on sound design and mixing. Any soundtracking that needs to be done will be sampled through a midi keyboard onto 'Garageband'. Any Foley and/or wild tracks that need to be rerecorded will be done through dynamic and condenser mice with cubase. I will then add faders and blade each audio track until it fits alongside the film.

Monday 6th April: Titling of cast and crew and also, the main title will be added now, along with any other effects and changes/ final adjustments to be made.

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